Monday, February 12, 2007

Fangu all so berrymunch!!!

It is so fun to have you stop by, n I promise I will come see you, too.
We are still gittin hate meows from dose meenie cats. I almost wish it still hurt. I guess I jes dont care enuff ennymore. Kinda kewl, uh??
Mama had to go to my v*tty fer a scripshun fer my needles, I have died beetles. It dont bother me much, but it was reeeeeeel hard to give up my donut holes!!!
Mama has to go see her own v*tty tomorrow kuz she had to have shoulder surgery. She sez dey will put a red dot on her card tomorrow kuz she is gonna bite him ifn he isnt nicer to her dis time. I think he would rather not deal wif pashunts who are awake!! I wish I could go bite him too kuz he made my mama cry de last time she wuz dere. N oh man!! Do I hate to hear dat woman cry!!!
Well, see ya round the blog. Stop in ennytime!!!


Artsy Catsy said...

Hi, Lois! I'm looking forward to visiting on your porch. I'm 17, too, and I get kinda cranky with all these young whippersnappers over here, so it'll be good to know somebody my own age. We have lots in common, too: I used to have a sister kitty with died beetles and my human mom has bad shoulders!

Catministrative Assistant
Artsy Catsy

P.S. I put a link to your porch on our blog.

Anonymous said...

HI LOis just stopping by to see how your doing. SChuRRpluRRpyZ!