Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dis is beeeeeYOUtiful ME!!!!

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Anonymous said...

You know, I still think you are a beautiful lady cat. And that's not just because I'm your daddy.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Lois, yoo are a beyootiful cat. We gotz a bloggie too, der are lotz of us poodins wif bloggies! Welcome, bet yoo'll make lots of frends.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hello Lois, nice to meet you. :) You are a lovely cat. :)

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hello, Lois! You are a furry pretty kitty. I's Victor an I lif in Whiskonsin wif my grumpy sisfur Bonnie. Meow!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Lois!! You is furry purrty! Come bisit us when you can!

Anonymous said...

Hi, LOis
I wish you wuz a puppy luvin' kitty cuz I'm a kitty luvn' puppy who iz very found of you.

Your fuzzy buddy, Chloe

Anonymous said...

Hi LO!
I think you are prettier than this picture. You should post one that shows your wonderful long fur.
Love, Pib

Boy said...'re weally beautifuuuulll!!!
You know what?
Before I came, mummy had an other kitty and she was all bwack wike you!
Which is why mummy thinks kitties which are bwack are so vewy pwetty.
Of course, that was until I came. Then I made mummy see that bwack and white kitties wike me are so fuwwy handsome!